v8.3 [Jul 2, 2015]
• Added new FFT library under Windows. This will vastly improve performance of RV7000 in convolution mode, as well as other native devices and Rack Extensions that use FFT.
• Fixed a bug where automated RV7000 convolution parameters could sound different in exported audio compared to playback.
• Fixed a bug where RV7000 convolution settings could give unwanted aliasing artifacts.
• Fixed a bug where the length of the audio recording could sometimes be wrong, if an audio clip was transposed with stretch disabled.
• Fixed a bug where under some specific circumstances, placing a send effect within an insert fx container could cause Reason to crash.
• Added Remote support for Korg taktile and TRITON taktile series.
v8.2 [Apr 5, 2015]
- Reason will now automatically detect if there is a newer version available, and optionally download and install this.
- A typical Reason update (without soundbanks) is now around 100 MB – a tenth of its old size!
- If sound banks (Factory Sound Bank, Orkester and the content bank for ID8) are missing when Reason is launched, the program will now offer to download and install them.
- Sound banks are now located in a global folder, which means new Reason updates can continue using the same sound banks without having them replaced or copied. It also means that different, parallel Reason installations can share the same sound banks.
- Reason and Authorizer no longer includes the Codemeter driver. Reason will run with Internet Verification (or in Demo Mode) without Codemeter. Codemeter can be downloaded separately for new users, should they need to run Reason without internet access.
- When browsing patches, you can now Revert back to the patch that was loaded when you started browsing.
- The color palette for tracks, channels and clips has been extended to 32 colors.
- The remotable items for Redrum have been extended to allow programming of Redrum patterns from a control surface.
- Reinstated key command for Show/Hide Recording Meter: Command-F3 (Mac) or Ctrl-F3 (Windows).
- Reason comes with a version of Authorizer that support Rack Extensions larger than 2GB.
- Help files and documentation are no longer installed with the program, but accessed online.
- Removed 32-bit support. Version 8.2 is a 64-bit application only.
- Added updated Remote files for Livid Instruments.
- Fixed a memory allocation bug in Reason Essentials that could cause glitches under some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where Authorizer misbehaved if initial installation duties failed.
- Keyboard focus is now returned to the sequencer after the user makes settings in the Transport panel.
- Fixed potential crash bug when scrolling time position during recording.
- Fixed a bug where Reason would assert when adjusting clip length during recording.
- Added version check of sound banks
- Fixed typos on Login Screen (German localization)
- Extended allowed username length in all login/authorization dialogs
- Updated Drop to Propellerhead icon.
- Fixed a bug where Reason would assert if setting tempo / position to very high values.
- Browse focus would be lost when adjusting any parameter on the browsed device, if it was inside a mixer channel Insert FX container.
- Fixed a bug where Loop on/off wasn’t properly mirrored in both applications when Reason was ReWired.
- Fixed a bug where Reason couldn’t start if there was a broken Rack Extension.
- Fixed a bug where Reason could crash if the user didn’t have proper access rights to some folders.
- Fixed a potential crash bug when attaching or detaching rack while browsing samples or sub-patches.
- Improved track pad scrolling in the sequencer.